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Jumat, 27 September 2013

Passive Sentence
(Kalimat Pasif)

In principle to form a passive sentence from an active sentence is carried out change of position on the subject and the object. Objects in the active sentence would be subject to the passive voice, whereas subjects in the active voice is usually no longer used in the passive voice except to clarify.

Pada prinsipnya untuk membentuk suatu kalimat pasif dari suatu kalimat aktif maka dilakukan perubahan posisi pada subjek dan objeknya. Objek pada kalimat aktif akan menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif,sedangkan subyek pada kalimat aktif biasanya tidak digunakan lagi dalam kalimat pasif kecuali untuk memperjelas.

Term form of Passive Verbs

Simple :


is/im/are + V-3
was/were + V-3
Continous :

is/im/are + V-ing
was/were + V-ing

is/im/are + being + V-3
was/were + being + V-3
Perfect :

has/have + V-3
had+ V-3

has/have + been + V-3
had + been + V-3
modal + V-1
modal + be + V-3
To Invinitive
to + V-1
to + be + V-3

Examples :
·        The teacher helps Andrew
Andrew is helped by the teacher
·        The teacher helped Andrew
Andrew was helped by the teacher
·        The teacher is helping Andrew
Andrew is being helped by the teacher   
·        The teacher was helping Andrew
Andrew was being helped by the teacher
·        The teacher has helped Andrew
Andrew has been helped by the teacher
·        The teacher will help Andrew
Andrew will be helped by the teacher
·        The teacher want to help Andrew
Andrew wants to be helped by the teacher

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Guitar and Piano Chord


Akord adalah kumpulan tiga nada atau lebih yang bila dimainkan secara bersamaan terdengar harmonis. Akord bisa dimainkan secara terputus-putus ataupun secara bersamaan. Akord ini digunakan untuk mengiringi suatu lagu. Contoh alat musik yang bisa memainkan akord adalah gitar (akustik dan listrik), piano, dan electone.

Chord is a collection of three or more tones that when played simultaneously sounding harmony. Chords can be played intermittently or simultaneously. The chords used to accompany a song. Examples of which can play a musical instrument is the guitar chords (acoustic and electric), piano, and electone.

Selasa, 03 September 2013



SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT is a kind of short text which contains a number of information for specific purposes, e.g. for promotion or offer something, tell or remind someone, convey messages and etc. Here is an example SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT.

SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT adalah jenis teks singkat yang berisi sejumlah informasi untuk tujuan tertentu, misalnya untuk promosi atau menawarkan sesuatu, mengatakan sesuatu atau mengingatkan seseorang, menyampaikan pesan dan lain-lain Berikut adalah contoh SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT.

A.  Announcement

Announcement is needed when people want to send or give information about something happened,lost or may be looked for.

Pengumuman diperlukan ketika orang ingin mengirim atau memberi informasi tentang sesuatu yang terjadi, hilang atau mungkin dicari.

 Learning the following example :

          Generic Sructure:      
       -Introduction (name of the person that will be addressed)           -      
       -Message (message)          
       -Cloncusion (closing and the sender's name)

         Generic Sructure:
        -Introduction (nama orang yang akan dituju)
        -Message (isi pesan)
        -Cloncusion (penutup dan nama pengirim)
          example :

 Dear : Adrian
We are going to visit Publo Restaurant on Sunday September 4th at 12.30 a.m. Please drive us at 12.00 o’clock. Thanks

C.  Advertisement

     Advertisement is a type of text that contains interesting information to promote something

             Advertisement (iklan) adalah jenis teks yang memuat informasi                    
             menarik untuk mempromosikan sesuatu.
             example :

End of Season Sale!

Fashion up to 70 % off
Shoes 30 % - 50 %
Bags 40 %

Being different at
Chic Departement Store